Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, here we are--three days before the wedding.  THREE.  Tonight, I will try to come up with table numbers and finish the ring bearer pillow.  I also need to get together everything that needs to go to the wedding. 

Tomorrow, I get a little relaxation time and maybe a little time to use a Victoria's Secret gift card that I have.  ;)  Kerry comes back into town tomorrow night and I can't wait.

Thursdsay we have mani/pedi day, take stuff to the lodge, and rehearsal dinner.  Friday is wedding.  Good Lord, help me get through it all with a bit of sanity.


My bachelorette party was this past weekend and it was a blast.  We started the day with a couple friends, my mom, my sister, and my niece.  We had lunch and explored Bellevue's Art in the Park.  So fun.  Then, we hit up Hofbrahaus and drank until I passed out.  It didn't take as long as I thought.

Sunday, in my very hungover state, we got together all of the wedding favors.  These were made with love, people, and please don't forget that. 


1 comment:

Meranda. said...

Your favors were delicious! Thank you to the gentleman and our table who was allergic and got an extra one for myself! :) Your wedding was amazing and you looked beyond beautiful.

Keep your blog continuing during your married life.