Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Christmas Card

Somehow I convinced Brad that we should send out a Christmas card.  (Maker's Mark sent him a bottle sweater and I think that tipped the votes, but whatever.)  We gathered up his drinks and my crochet and headed to his parents' house.  His brother-in-law snapped the photo for us and we were all cracking up.

My slight obsession with Gap (yeah, winning the employee discount for a year) led to us receiving a coupon for $35 off of an order from Tiny Prints, so we went with them.  We chose square cards, a matte finish, and rectangle envelopes.  Tiny Prints will even address and mail them for you, but I took care of that part. 

Do you send out Christmas cards?  What company do you like?

We look so adorkable.

Here's a portion of the back of the card. 
We just had the year printed.

Happy holidays!!


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